Sponsorship at our event is an excellent way to elevate your message, and have it stand out from the crowd. It’s proven to expand your reach far beyond the exhibit hall. Through the platform we’ve developed, you have an opportunity to showcase your latest equipment and designs to an international array of researchers and engineers. We would greatly appreciate the opportunity to partner with you in helping you expand your message.
IASED offers a large spectrum of individual conference sponsorships and associated benefits, here is some way you can get involved:
• Logo and link on the conference website, conference program brochure, conference promotion emails and presentation video overlay
• Mention in the opening ceremony
• Free exhibit space in the Lounge
• Standing banners stating sponsorship at the entrance and the exit of the venue
• Recognition during the tea break session and the meal
• One full page Ad space on the conference program brochure
• One dedicated email blast to all registered participants before and after the event (content provided by the sponsor and need to be reviewed by our program committee)
• Six Free registration and attendance throughout the conference. Enjoy free meals and networking.
• 15% discount for two successive years’ sponsorship contract
• 50% percent discount for purchasing additional conference passes
• Get a list of all participants
We looking for global Conference Sponsorshoip, please feel free to contact us at: info@iased.org