Prof. Yannis Manolopoulos
Yannis Manolopoulos is Professor and Vice-rector of the Open University of Cyprus. He has been with the University of Toronto, the University of Maryland at College Park, the University of Cyprus and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, where he served as Head of the Department of Informatics. He has also served as Rector of the University of Western Macedonia in Greece and Vice-Chair of the Greek Computer Society. His research interest focuses in Data Management. He has co-authored 5 monographs and 8 textbooks in Greek, as well as >300 journal and conference papers. He has received >13000 citations from >2000 distinct academic institutions (h-index=52). He has also received 5 best paper awards from SIGMOD, ECML/PKDD, MEDES (2) and ISSPIT conferences and has been invited as keynote speaker in 15 international events. He has served as main co-organizer of several major conferences (among others): ADBIS 2002, SSTD 2003, SSDBM 2004, ICEIS 2006, EANN 2007, ICANN 2010, AIAI 2012, WISE 2013, CAISE 2014, MEDI 2015, ICCCI 2016, TPDL 2017, DAMDID 2017, DASFAA 2018, EAIS 2018, WIMS 2018, IDEAS 2019, MEDES 2019. He has also acted as evaluator for funding agencies in Austria, Canada, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, EU, Georgia, Greece, Hong-Kong, Israel, Italy, Lithuania, Poland and Russia. Currently, he serves in the Editorial Boards of the following journals (among others): Information Systems, World Wide Web, Computer Journal.