Prof. Massimo Marchiori
Massimo Marchiori is currently Professor at the University of Padua (Italy) and Technical Director of the European Institute for Science, Media and Democracy (Belgium). Working at MIT (USA) he led the development of several world standards, like P3P (web privacy), XQuery (semi-structured information) and OWL (web reasoning).
Among others, he created Hypersearch (Google's forerunner), Volunia (the next-generation social search engine), Negapedia (the negative version of Wikipedia).
He works in many multidisciplinary fields, also in cooperation with several companies, focusing on new technologies that can impact our society.
He won a variety of awards, including the IBM research award, the Lifetime Membership Award of the Oxford Society, the Microsoft Data Science Award, the MIT Technology Review TR35 award given to the world best innovators.