Excellent Member
Excellent Member Award
To recognize the excellent contribution to IASED conferences and other activities in the fields of science and engineering, IASED council will nominate several members from IASED members and elect one winner for the Excellent Membership Award every year. The winner will enjoy the benefits as below:
1. Certificate
2. Free registration for one of the IASED online conferences as Presenter
3. Free registration for IASED online conferences as Listener
4. 100USD off the onsite conference registration fee
Eligibility and evaluation:
1. Individuals nominated for this award must have been members of the IASED for at least one year.
2. The candidates can only be nominated by the IASED council
3. Selection criteria include important contributions to IASED, technical achievements in the fields of IASED conferences, service and dedication to IASED conferences and other social activities.
2021 Winner
Dr. Song Hao——Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd. (COMAC)
2022 Winner
Flight test engineer Wang Yi——Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd. (COMAC)
2023 Winner
Jiangjiexing Wu——PhD, associate professor of Tianjin University.
2024 Winner
Dr. Hamed Taherdoost——Associate Professor of University Canada West