Code of Ethics
Code of Ethics for Members of IASED Council or Its Committees
The purpose of this Code of Ethics is to strengthen confidence in the integrity and professional standards of all members. Abiding by this Code is essential for membership of IASED.
1. The Council member's conduct must not violate any law while performing their duties.
2. The Council member's conduct must not damage the reputation of IASED.
3. The Council member's conduct must align with the mission of IASED.
4. The Council member must serve with respect, concern, courtesy and responsiveness in carrying out the mission of IASED.
5. The Council member must demonstrate the highest standards of personal integrity, truthfulness, and fortitude in all IASED activities in order to inspire confidence and trust in the Academy.
6. The Council member's conduct must adhere to the rules and regulations imposed by IASED and the IASED Council.
7. The Council member must keep IASED informed about issues that affect it.
8. The Council member must not use the name of IASED without prior consent of the IASED Executive Board.
9. The Council member must not use the intellectual property of IASED, proprietary rights, property, financial resources, or services of IASED personnel for personal benefit.
10. The Council member must avoid actual or perceived conflicts of interest when making decisions in Council activities.
11. The Council member must treat all people with respect regardless of race, religion, gender, disability, age, or national origin, and must not engage in activities of harassment or discrimination.
12. The Council member must safeguard confidential information gained while working on Council-related activities.
13. The Council member must not divulge or release any information of a proprietary nature relating to IASED's plans, mission, or operational database (including author/non-author conference attendee contact information, etc.) including that of IASED without appropriate IASED executive approval. By accepting our Council Member invitation, you indicate that you have accepted and will abide by the Code of Conduct as published.
Should a member fail to meet the conditions in this Code of Conduct, IASED may, at its sole discretion, decide on the appropriate action to take.
IASED reserves the right to update this Code of Conduct.